What You’ll Need
Tools and Equipment: Large water bath canner with a rack, glass canning jars, new lids and rings, ladle, funnel, jar lifter, and clean towels.
Ingredients: Tomatoes for sauce, vegetables for pickling, vinegar, salt, and optional spices like garlic or dill.
Step 1: Prepare Your Tools and Workspace
Wash jars, lids, and rings with hot soapy water. Sterilize jars by boiling them for 10 minutes. Place lids in a small saucepan and simmer (do not boil). Clean your workspace and gather all tools and ingredients.
Step 2: Prepare the Recipe
Tomato Sauce: Peel and core tomatoes, then simmer for 30-40 minutes with salt until thickened.
Pickled Vegetables: Wash and chop vegetables, then boil vinegar, water, and salt to make the brine.
Step 3: Fill the Jars
Place a funnel on the jar and ladle the prepared food into the jar, leaving ½ inch of headspace. Add lemon juice to tomato sauce jars. Wipe rims clean, then secure lids and rings.
Step 4: Process the Jars
Place jars in a water bath canner with water covering jars by 1 inch. Process: 35 minutes for tomato sauce (pints), 10 minutes for pickled vegetables. Remove and cool jars on a towel.
Step 5: Check Seals and Store
Once jars are cool, check seals by pressing the lid's center—no popping means a good seal. Label jars and store in a cool, dark place for up to a year.
Canning Safety Tips
Always follow tested recipes, use high-acid ingredients, sterilize jars, and ensure proper headspace for safety and effectiveness.